Metals Mining Rundown & Peer Table

  • Rundown of recent movements in metal prices and mining peer group valuations according to our attached Metals Mining Peer Table:
  • A compilation of publicly available information covering 9 important metals and more than 400 metals mining stocks listed globally.
  • Aims to be a global benchmark for junior mining peer group valuations in the precious metals and critical minerals sectors.

Free Rundown & Peer Table Subscriptions

Free Daily


Free Monthly


Free Weekly


+ Current metals pricing and recent price performance (for gold, silver, palladium, platinum, copper, nickel, cobalt, lithium, and uranium)

+ Current metals mining peer group median valuations and recent performance

+ List of top and bottom 40 performing stocks showing associated peer groups

Premium Rundown & Peer Table Subscriptions

Premium Daily


Premium Weekly


Premium Monthly


+ Current metals pricing and recent price performance (for gold, silver, palladium, platinum, copper, nickel, cobalt, lithium, and uranium)

+ Current metals mining peer group median valuations and recent performance

+ List of top and bottom 40 performing stocks showing associated peer groups

+ Lists of individual stocks making up each peer group and their individual price performances

+ Ranked valuation information (by market cap per unit resource for all 400+ stocks, and by price-to-net-asset-value for 140 + developer stocks)

Peer Table Description and Applications.

The Metals Mining Rundown (“Rundown”) provides summary updates on recent movements in metal prices and peer group median equity valuations both detailed in an attached Metals Mining Peer Table (“Peer Table), along with coverage of company announcements that affect the attached Peer Table, which categorizes more than 400 metals mining stocks into 30 peer groups across our coverage universe of 9 important metals, according to their underlying, primary metal type(s) and their company stage (resource-stage explorer, developer, or producer). The Peer Table contains various publicly available valuation information including share price performance, market cap, company mineral resources (and market cap per unit resource), and project NPV [net-present-value] (and P/NAV [price-to-net-asset-value]) for developer peer groups (P/NAV is taken as market cap / study NPV), which include more than 140 developer stocks (for which the project NPV information as a function of metal price has been retrieved from the listed Company’s announced economic study). Host Rock uses the Peer Table for its own internal and client informational needs, and it is also made available via subscription to fellow investors & industry professionals across the globe, who use it for a variety of informational applications, including monitoring/ comparing relative market sentiment/valuations across the nine major metals and mining sectors we cover, and also for identifying and tracking junior mining stocks within their respective peer group valuation pecking orders (ranked according to market cap per unit resource and according to P/NAV [price-to-net-asset-value] for developers).

Peer Table Methodology.

The list of stocks in the Peer Table has been populated through our team’s general industry knowledge of companies and mineral deposits from across the globe, and is continually being updated and expanded from a variety of sources. Our intent is to include as many mineral resource bearing companies as possible, of those focused on the metals in our coverage universe. And we encourage our subscribers to notify us of any additional companies that meet the criteria to be included – or to notify us of any other suggestions – at, or in our direct messages on any of our social media platforms.

The Peer Table also accounts for secondary or by-product metal resources

We are using metal equivalency translations derived from our most recently estimated 3-month trailing average spot metal pricing deck. This can be found at the top of each Peer Table along with current daily spot metal pricing for each of the nine metals we cover (gold, silver, platinum, palladium, copper, nickel, cobalt, lithium, and uranium) and for the six additional by-product metals we also watch and account for in metal equivalent terms (lead, zinc, molybdenum, rhodium, ruthenium, iridium) – some of which also meet the criteria for critical minerals according to some major nation’s government (such as zinc by Japan and Canada, molybdenum by Japan, Canada, and China, and rhodium, ruthenium, and iridium (some of the lesser-known platinum group metals) deemed as critical alongside platinum and palladium by US, Canada, UK, EU, Australia, and Japan).

The Peer Table has been populated according to our standardized public information retrieval process:

  1. Retrieve company reported attributable mineral resources, from public filings, website, presentation, or press releases.
    • If the mineral resources are noted by the Company to be “historic” (and thus less reliable and not or no longer compliant with their relevant exchange standards), then a footnote is also added to this effect. Otherwise, retrieved resources in the Peer Table were found to be indicated by the company to be compliant with their relevant exchange standards (such as NI43-101 in Canada, JORC in Australia, S-K 1300 in United States).

  2. For developer stocks, also retrieve economic study results, including attributable post-tax NPV as a function of metal price (from company reported metal price sensitivity analysis), along with discount rate, project name, jurisdiction, study type & year.

    • For simplicity, we define “developers” as companies whose flagship project has an economic study published (PEA/Scoping study, PFS, or FS/BFS/DFS – that is compliant with relevant exchange standards such as NI43-101, JORC, or S-K 1300) and has yet to reach commercial production.

  3. Add stock to our watch list with email alerts, and watch for relevant announcements, such as resource updates, new economic studies, or transactions that result in changes to attributable project ownership, and update the Peer Table accordingly.

    Our Free Metals Mining Peer Table provides: metals pricing, peer group median price performance, peer group median valuations, and a list of top and bottom 40 performing stocks showing associated peer groups, but excludes the list of individual stocks making up each peer group and excludes price performance or valuation information for these individual stocks. Two editions of the Free Metals Mining Peer Table are available for subscription:

    • Free Monthly Edition

    • Free Weekly Edition

    • Free Daily Edition

    Our Premium Metals Mining Peer Table provides the same information included in the Free version, in addition to the complete list of individual stocks making up each peer group, ranked by valuation. Three editions of the Premium Metals Mining Peer Table are available for subscription (Premium Monthly, Premium Weekly, and Premium Daily), with the Premium Daily version being offered at four different daily frequencies:

    • Premium Monthly Edition: €10/mo

    • Premium Weekly Edition: €20/mo

    • Premium Daily Edition (Intraday TSX and/or Intraday ASX)

      • Once per day: €30/mo

      • Twice per day: €40/mo

The Peer Table contains spot metals pricing sourced from (gold, silver, palladium, platinum, rhodium, copper, nickel, cobalt, lithium, and uranium), (iridium and ruthenium), and (molybdenum). Metal pricing is retrieved from these sources prior to each Peer Table publication, and may be delayed from the date and time posted on each publication. (time is posted in Central European Time - CET).

Share price and ticker information are sourced from various stock market exchanges via Google Finance, are retrieved live (or slightly delayed) and electronically in a spreadsheet, and may be delayed by up to 20 minutes from the time posted on each publication (in CET), depending on the exchange, according to Google Finance ( The current and historic share prices are retrieved from Google Finance and shown in the Peer Table as rounded figures – to the nearest 0.01 Dollars or Euros or Pounds per share. And price performances shown in the Peer Table are derived from those rounded share prices, and thus may not be accurate, particularly for those penny stocks whose share prices trade in 0.001 per share increments (such as on ASX) or 0.005 per share increments (such as on TSXV). Market caps retrieved from Google Finance do not account for additional shares from pending financings (share issuances) that have been announced but not yet closed, and thus may be understated until after any announced and pending financings have closed, and the additional shares become reflected in those market caps retrieved from Google Finance.

Company mineral resource quantities and project economic information (NPVs) are sourced from publicly released company reports, from which they are retrieved manually by our research team.

Peer Table Data Sources.
Peer Table Disclaimer.
Host Rock Capital is a professional services firm and a publisher of financial information, not a registered investment advisor or dealer. Our Metals Mining Peer Table ("Peer Table") is made available for informational and educational purposes, may contain errors, and is not intended as investment advice. You should consult your broker or financial representative to verify pricing before executing any trade or investment. Although Host Rock Capital and its “affiliates” (as defined in our General Terms of Use) may own shares of certain issuers (companies) listed in the Peer Table or be actively engaged in advisory or consulting arrangements with those issuers, such share ownership or engagements are completely outside the purview of the Peer Table, which is derived strictly from publicly available information obtained using our standardized public information retrieval process, and which is funded entirely by its subscribers, for its subscribers. For full disclosures, see our Legal Disclosures.